English Regina Caeli–Simple Tone

I like to sing the simple tone Marian antiphons with my daughter, who hasn’t had any Latin yet. I sing first the original Latin chant, and then I sing it again, putting English words to the chant melody. That is, if I have an English version of the chant! Maria A. Trapp’s book Around the…

Illustrated Seasonal Calendars, Traditional Church Year

Happy New Year–today’s the perfect day to talk about calendars, of course! If you’ve got a young family, you won’t want to miss the wonderful work done by Michaela Harrison, a Catholic wife and mother living near–and very inspired by!–Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma. Even if you don’t have children at home, your own faith…

3 Great Blogs to Read

Because there are so many educated, brilliant, passionate writers who love the Church and her sacred tradition, there are a gazillion blogs on topics that are close to my heart–I’m finding more and more all the time. Making some discoveries in the last few weeks, I have a few blog recommendations today that I want to…

Little Offices

Do you want to really feel and understand the sacred rhythm behind the Liturgical Year? Like me, have you spent years sitting in the pews thinking, “Why do we even bother?” Because the only differences you can perceive in most parishes between, say, Ordinary Time and the Easter Season are different felt banners and different sacro-pop songs strummed during Communion. As…

Bury the Alleluia

Mardi Gras Activity for Kids- Bury the Alleluia for Lent. Since Mardi Gras is a week from tomorrow I wanted to share this post by Lacy Rabideau from Catholic Icing this week so you could prepare for it–hint: you’ll need wooden letters and gold spray paint! (Of course, if you are celebrating Septuagesima according to…

Catholic Humor

If you need a laugh this morning, stop by the Catholic Humor board on Pinterest that I’m working on. Hopefully I’m finding the funniest stuff out there! Here’s one of my favorites: And here’s another: One more: (The last two are because I am such a Sacred Music nerd, of course!) Check it out and…

Prayers for the Sick

Are you sick, or do you know someone who is? A couple different kinds of flu are going around this winter, and I’ve had a nasty one now for more than a week. I need prayers! I am sure the people around you do, too. When you follow the link below you will find all kinds of prayers for the sick:…

St. Catherine Center Boards on Pinterest

St. Catherine Center Boards on Pinterest When I learned about Pinterest from a friend, I felt like I had stumbled upon the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Now I’ve started pinning some things from here and there onto the boards that I think might be interesting to you, dear readers! Come see–and come…