Ave Maris Stella: Everything You Need

Originally posted on Learn Church Latin:
Catholics have accepted some of the worst distortions of their Faith in the order of music, art, and literature without a shiver of discontent because they never really heard the “Tantum Ergo” or the “Ave Maris Stella” –not for lack of faith, but because there had never been ordinary…

Why It Is “Church Latin”

“Church Latin” is the informal, snappier-sounding term for the more scholarly phrase Ecclesiastical Latin, or the occasionally-used Medieval Latin. All of these terms are used to denote something different from “Classical Latin”–the Latin used by, say, Julius Caesar. Church Latin was (and is!) the Latin used by the Catholic Church for two thousand years–thus, where the “Church” part comes in.

Review: A Short History of England

A Short History of England by G. K. Chesterton   (1917) In my opinion, this book is wrongly-titled: it should be called A Short Commentary on How the History of England Is So Badly Taught. Chesterton put his pen to paper for this book in order to combat the many errors in early 20th Century England’s…

Conquer Latin: 3 Tips

Carpe diem! Now is the time…get ready to remember more, do better at your practice sentences, and even like your Latin studies. How? With clever use of strategies and tools, of course! Organize your mind and your material, deeply encode new concepts, and actively use the vocabulary, word parts, and rules that you learn. These…

“We’re Painting the Roses Red”

Today I celebrated the birthday of a non-Catholic “patron saint,” Lewis Carroll Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, with the students at the school I work at. A dear man, and an inspirational educator/writer/dreamer, I couldn’t help but include a memorial to Lewis Carroll here since he is an inspiration to me. To celebrate his birthday, I brought The Other Alice:…

From the Bottom of My Heart…

I just received notification of the 23rd subscriber to this blog. Thank you, dear readers. Thank you for your time to read these words, day in and day out. Thank you for your prayers, which have sustained me during those long periods of writer’s block. Thank you for your comments, which always make me smile. And…

Site Map Now Up!

I did it, folks–and it only took for-ever! But it’s finally done, hoorah!  Here’s the new site map which serves as the index for all of our posts and pages for you to refer to when needed. Hopefully it will be helpful, and I will keep it updated. If you see any ways that I can…