Catholic Tradition Immersion Project

Any study of late medieval religion must begin with the liturgy, for within that great cycle of fast and festival, of ritual observance and symbolic gesture, lay Christians found the paradigms and the stories which shaped their perception of the world and their place in it….In the liturgy and the sacramental celebrations which were its…

Catholic Mini-Books for Evangelization and Education

I love books. I love writing and graphic design. And I especially love being Catholic. If you are like that too, then making mini-books is definitely a project for you. All you do is take a regular piece of 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper, fold it in half both ways and the long halves in half again, until you have eight equal sections. Then after you cut at the middle fold, you fold it together inwards and–voila!–a tiny book with a front and back cover and six inner pages.

Homemade Sacred Art

Do you remember that missal cover project I started weeks ago? I got it finished in time for it to be an Easter gift for my mother. In the above view you can see the front and back covers, and below is a view of just the front cover. I don’t mind telling you, it was…

Missal Cover Embroidery Project

As you might have guessed, the post from the other day about being a Catholic artist, that is, expressing your Faith actively through art, describes an ideal that I am embracing wholeheartedly. For one of my first projects I am working on a hand-embroidered missal cover for my dear mother.  I told her that everything of a…

Every Catholic Can Be an Artist

I HATE Modernism. The most vile heresy known to Christendom, its spawn are everywhere and have infected virtually everyone. I must devote my life to combatting this monster in every way I can. Studying theology, Church history, and art history over the last few years, I uncovered an open secret. When you study how Modernism (and its ugly child Relativism) took the…

Bury the Alleluia

Mardi Gras Activity for Kids- Bury the Alleluia for Lent. Since Mardi Gras is a week from tomorrow I wanted to share this post by Lacy Rabideau from Catholic Icing this week so you could prepare for it–hint: you’ll need wooden letters and gold spray paint! (Of course, if you are celebrating Septuagesima according to…

Tomorrow: Feast of St. Agnes

“St. Agnes’ Eve—Ah, bitter chill it was!” So John Keats begins his poem entitled The Eve of St. Agnes. I will be fasting today on the eve of St. Agnes, in preparation for the feast tomorrow, because ST. ANGES IS MY PATRON SAINT!                         I chose St. Agnes at Confirmation as my patroness because of her…