Singing While We Defend Civilization

People used to sing together–on pilgrimage, on Crusade, on the way to battle. It kept up the marchers’ morale for the cause, shared beauty of melody and lyric, handed down and passed on noble ideas. The songs were really love songs: proclaiming love for Christ, and His mother, the saints, the Church, and the good…

The Fatherly “No”

Only a man can be a father. Many people will argue that men and women are basically the same, and can and should do the same things. Essentially they think that members of the sexes can be treated as interchangeable cogs in the ever-spinning wheel of civilization. But only a man can father—only a man…

Catholic Men & Family Prayer

So, there’s a “man-crisis,” as they say, in the Catholic Church. Catholic men (particularly young Catholic men) are not attending Mass, pursuing a regular spiritual life, or taking much involvement in their children’s religious education. The men are not randomly MIA; there are some key reasons for the man-crisis. One of the reasons stems from a species…

Catholic Masculinity & the Domestic Church

While I was on the internet this afternoon, looking for good things to pin on this blog’s Catholic boards, I found something interesting. I discovered dozens of sites with hundreds of posts dedicated to affirming, aiding, and assisting Catholic men.   Catholic men—are there any left? In our times, there has been a massive erosion of…

The Gifts of Our Men

            My husband was not raised Catholic. He was one of the “nones” as they call them, having been raised with no faith in his family whatsoever. But from a youthful fascination with Catholicism, partly due to the Catholics in his extended family, he was receptive to investigating my Faith when we started dating. He…