Illustrated Seasonal Calendars, Traditional Church Year

Happy New Year–today’s the perfect day to talk about calendars, of course! If you’ve got a young family, you won’t want to miss the wonderful work done by Michaela Harrison, a Catholic wife and mother living near–and very inspired by!–Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma. Even if you don’t have children at home, your own faith…

6 Keys to Catholic Culture from the Age of Faith

I have a small ambition: I really want to change the world. I want to save it–or at least, the souls in it. I want to help rebuild and restore Christian culture. Are you with me? Of course, it’s an immense undertaking that will likely take millions of people, generations of effort, and a constant outpouring of God’s abundant…

What’s on Your Altar?

Oh, it’s so good to be home! I’m just back from a wonderful, multi-state trip that involved going to Sunday Mass (Ordinary Form) in a little parish church in western North Carolina. Modern (built recently in the 2000s) on the outside, and modern in many ways on the inside, there were yet many statues and holy images prominently placed…

Some Basic Iconography

(subtitle: Or, Knowing When St. Francis of Assisi Is St. Francis of Assisi) How do you know what person a painter has painted in a picture? How do you know when a painter has painted God rather than a human creature? How do you know whether you’re looking at an Old Testament patriarch or a…

Sacred Art and Kids: Links

Although many schools and school systems downplay the arts in curriculum and funding choices, formation of children in the arts is one of the essentials of human life. Don’t fall into that trap! Especially for Catholic children, whom we are trying to lead to God by the most true, straight, and direct route, it is important…

3 Great Blogs to Read

Because there are so many educated, brilliant, passionate writers who love the Church and her sacred tradition, there are a gazillion blogs on topics that are close to my heart–I’m finding more and more all the time. Making some discoveries in the last few weeks, I have a few blog recommendations today that I want to…

Homemade Sacred Art

Do you remember that missal cover project I started weeks ago? I got it finished in time for it to be an Easter gift for my mother. In the above view you can see the front and back covers, and below is a view of just the front cover. I don’t mind telling you, it was…

Art for Holy Saturday

It’s Holy Saturday, and Our Lord’s Sacred Body is in the tomb. Yesterday I prayed in the church where the Eucharist had been taken out of the tabernacle, and so the doors of the tabernacle were open, the candle was dark, and the curtain behind the tabernacle’s golden doors was tied up to show the emptiness inside.…

Book Review: Those Terrible Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is privileged material: one can say what one wants about it with the quasi-certitude of never being contradicted. –Régine Pernoud Now the center of my studies on Catholic liturgical tradition, under my magnifying glass to determine what the phrase “Christian Culture” really means, the Age of Faith (a.k.a. Middle Ages) has become my obsession and object…