English Regina Caeli–Simple Tone

I like to sing the simple tone Marian antiphons with my daughter, who hasn’t had any Latin yet. I sing first the original Latin chant, and then I sing it again, putting English words to the chant melody. That is, if I have an English version of the chant! Maria A. Trapp’s book Around the…

Illustrated Seasonal Calendars, Traditional Church Year

Happy New Year–today’s the perfect day to talk about calendars, of course! If you’ve got a young family, you won’t want to miss the wonderful work done by Michaela Harrison, a Catholic wife and mother living near–and very inspired by!–Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma. Even if you don’t have children at home, your own faith…

Gregorian Chant for Christmas

If you’re ready to prepare for the beautiful liturgical season of Christmastide by learning traditional chants for this time, you’re in the right place. It’s never to early to begin practicing these chants, keeping a good Advent season the meanwhile! (Speaking of which–for Advent chants, please go here.) The chants for Christmas clearly inspired the…

6 Keys to Catholic Culture from the Age of Faith

I have a small ambition: I really want to change the world. I want to save it–or at least, the souls in it. I want to help rebuild and restore Christian culture. Are you with me? Of course, it’s an immense undertaking that will likely take millions of people, generations of effort, and a constant outpouring of God’s abundant…

Feast of the Guardian Angels

We just enjoyed the feast of St. Michael and the Archangels three days ago, and now we remember the tireless, loving work of our Guardian Angels in this feast today. Today is a great day to have angel food cake for dessert! Although most Catholics know the simple prayer to our Guardian Angels (“Angel of…

October Saints and Feasts

Today is a very special day for Catholics: the feast of a young and glorious Doctor of the Church! If I had not chosen St. Agnes for my patron saint, I think I would have picked today’s saint because she is 10,000% awesome. And with today’s feast of the Little Flower, St. Therese of Lisieux, the month of…

Feast of St. Jerome

Blessed feast of St. Jerome! St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church, patron of librarians, and translator of Holy Scripture into Latin (which version is now called the Vulgate), is particularly known for having been a grumpy or irascible saint. Over and above all the many great and charitable and holy things he did, this fact about his personality…