
Welcome to the St. Catherine Catholic Culture Center web site. Our patroness is the Italian mystic St. Catherine of Siena, because of her beautiful words “If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire.” Our mission is to inspire a revival of authentic and faithful Catholic Culture, by providing Catholic individuals and families with the tools, resources, and ideas to build vibrant Domestic Churches.

We Catholics have hundreds of customs and traditions to sanctify our days, weeks, and seasons—some go back thousands of years. We fast, feast, pray, sing hymns, and celebrate in wonderful ways like the saints have done before us. Holy Mother Church has the instructions—just add your family.

(All original photographs and written content on this blog are copyright 2013-2015 by the St. Catherine Catholic Culture Center.)

7 thoughts on “Welcome!

    • Thanks–we’re so glad to have you here! At the bottom-right of the home page you’ll find a floating black “follow” button to click on–just type in your e-mail address, and you’ll get the (mostly!) daily post delivery!

  1. I have been looking over the archives. Do you realize how much GOOD is here? I have been reading this blog for years and enjoyed it. I am happy to see you posting again. Please know that your writing is excellent, your insights are solid and I keep running across ideas and concepts that I can use to restore at least my little corner of the world. May God continue to bless you so that you can continue to bless us.

    • Thank you so much! I am so glad that you found them helpful. By the way, which lessons were you referring to–the “Five Free Church Latin Lessons” from several years ago, or the “Pray Compline, Learn Church Latin” lessons from a few months ago? I’m so glad that they’ve been useful, and I would love advice on how to make them better. I’ve seen a few typos I need to fix in the next revisions, and I’m sure there are other improvements to be made. Thank you for your comment!

  2. Wonderful information on this site. I am interested in following the Traditional Low Mass at our Catholic Church. Way back when, I had five years of Latin, but we read silently and wrote it only.

    • Thank you for visiting, and also commenting! If you begin to attend the Traditional Latin Mass, your faith will get such a boost! It will be wonderful.

      We have a sister site, learnchurchlatin.com, with lots of info if you are interested in that, too!

      Have a very Merry Christmas!

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