Singing While We Defend Civilization

People used to sing together–on pilgrimage, on Crusade, on the way to battle. It kept up the marchers’ morale for the cause, shared beauty of melody and lyric, handed down and passed on noble ideas. The songs were really love songs: proclaiming love for Christ, and His mother, the saints, the Church, and the good…

Book Review: Charles II: The Last Rally

Charles II: The Last Rally by Hilaire Belloc, 1939 (2003). 223pp. I’ve actually never read a history book by Belloc before. Economic essays and children’s poems, yes, but not any of the history that was his trade and legacy. From what I knew of his reputation, I assumed he would be a very good Catholic…

Review: A Short History of England

A Short History of England by G. K. Chesterton   (1917) In my opinion, this book is wrongly-titled: it should be called A Short Commentary on How the History of England Is So Badly Taught. Chesterton put his pen to paper for this book in order to combat the many errors in early 20th Century England’s…

Book Review: Those Terrible Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is privileged material: one can say what one wants about it with the quasi-certitude of never being contradicted. –Régine Pernoud Now the center of my studies on Catholic liturgical tradition, under my magnifying glass to determine what the phrase “Christian Culture” really means, the Age of Faith (a.k.a. Middle Ages) has become my obsession and object…

Tomorrow is “St. Distaff’s Day”

Ha ha ha! As if we Catholics didn’t have a tradition wealthy with Saints’ days and feasts, we also have a “made-up” saint’s day as well for the transition back to the normal routine after Christmas: January 7 is “St. Distaff’s” Day, or Roc/Rock Day, both names called after the tool women used when spinning. Long…