Praying the Glorious Mysteries

Blessed Feast of the Holy Rosary, everyone!

Meditations for the Glorious Mysteries

Today is the perfect day to post the Glorious Mysteries, and so round out the set of Rosary meditations I have written (Joyful Mysteries are here and Sorrowful mysteries are here) with this post. As I have mentioned before, I use a German method of praying the Holy Rosary and meditating on the Mysteries. During each of the ten Hail Mary’s in a decade, I pray a different short phrase related to the mystery in the middle of the prayer. (Example: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus…Whose coming was announced to you by an angel…Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”)

If you would like to join me, here are some ideas for meditating on the Glorious Mysteries while you are praying today:

I. First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection

  • …Whose tomb was found empty on Easter morning…
  • …Who is risen, as He said, Alleluia…
  • …Who has conquered sin and death…
  • …Who appeared to St. Mary Magdalene before any other disciple…
  • …Who had once said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”…
  • …Who rose again on the third day…
  • …Whose Resurrection is the greatest proof of His Divinity…
  • …Who was raised and glorified by His Father…
  • …Who by rising from the dead turned His disciples’ grief into joy…
  • …Who is the risen Son of God…

II. Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension

  • …Who remained with His disciples forty days after His Resurrection…
  • …Who had told His disciples that He was going in order to prepare a place for them…
  • …Who told His disciples to go and teach and baptize all nations…
  • …Who has asked us to show our love for Him by keeping His commandments…
  • …Who promised to ask His Father to send the Paraclete after His Ascension…
  • …Who ascended into Heaven…
  • …Who is seated at the right hand of the Father…
  • …Who will come again to judge the living and the dead…
  • …Whose Kingdom will have no end…
  • …Who has promised to be with us until the end of time…

III. Third Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

  • …keeping the promise He had made to His disciples…
  • …asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit…
  • …sending the Paraclete to you and the disciples gathered in the upper room…
  • …Whose promise was fulfilled in the appearance of tongues of fire…
  • …confirming the mission and power of His Church…
  • …preparing His Church for Her work in the world until the end of time…
  • …Who is a person of the Blessed Trinity, with the Father and the Holy Spirit…
  • …Whose Church continually administers the grace of the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments…
  • …Whose disciples began to speak in different tongues…
  • …Whose Church, with this sign, converted thousands on Pentecost…

IV. Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption

  • …to Whom you had given your whole life…
  • …Who willed that you remain yet a while longer on earth after His Ascension…
  • …Whose beloved disciple took care of you as his own mother…
  • …Whose disciples looked to you for knowledge of His early life…
  • …for Whose Church you prayed constantly after His Ascension…
  • …Who, at the end of your life assumed you into Heaven…
  • …the Son of the Immaculate Conception…
  • …Who would not let your body suffer the corruption of the grave..
  • …Who reunited you with Him, body and soul, at the end of your earthly life…
  • …with Whom you are united eternally in perpetual blessedness…

V. Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Crowning of the Blessed Virgin As Queen of Heaven and Earth

  • …crowning your virtues with His glory…
  • …crowning you Queen of Apostles…
  • …crowning you Queen of Martyrs…
  • …crowning you Queen of Virgins…
  • …crowning you Queen of Saints…
  • …crowning you Queen of Angels…
  • …crowning you Queen of Heaven and Earth…
  • …honoring you as Solomon honored his queen mother…
  • …making you the woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet…
  • …who has made you our Mother and our Queen…


~Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!~

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